Feng Shui

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo Plant is the Feng Shui bamboo plant which brings good luck and prosperity to its surrounding environment. The botanical name of this plant is Dracaena and is very easy to maintain. It does not need sunlight or any other condition to survive. It just requires fresh water, once a week and it can survive for years. Therefore, the maintenance cost of this plant is absolutely nothing. Lucky Bamboo is considered very auspicious for a place where money is kept.

It can also be kept at the places indicated by the Bagua map. Growing the lucky bamboo plant not only attracts good fortune, but also restores the flow of chi at the place where energy flow has been restricted. As it enhances the circulation of positive energy, it is considered very good to place it near a person whose health needs to be improved. Apart from being sturdy, Lucky Bamboo is quite pleasant in appearance. It is usually seen in jade color and is also very flexible.

The most striking feature of the plant is that it can grow in any condition, at any place. As it does not require sunlight, it is ideal for the places which need to be brightened up and which do not receive any natural light. Thus, the dark spots in your house are no more a problem, as the lucky bamboo plant will enhance both light and energy amount in the area. The lucky bamboo is also important due to the fact that it is a combination of all the five elements of Feng Shui like

Wood - The bamboo itself
Earth - The rocks the plant grows in
Water - The water the plant grows with
Fire - Most pots usually have a red ribbon tied to them
Metal - The glass pots belong to the metal element.

Even if the Bamboo is planted in a pot other than glass (i.e. clay or ceramics), it will usually contains either a metal coin, or a metal figurine with it. While buying a lucky bamboo, keep in mind the number of stalks, as different number refers to different purpose, for e.g.
  • 3 for Happiness
  • 5 for Health
  • 2 for Love & Marriage
  • 8 for Wealth and Abundance
  • 9 for Good Fortune and Happiness.


Bagua is the energy map of Feng Shui and has ancient origin. It was originally known as pa-k'ua. Over the years, it has changed to bagua. The map, or chart, is a system of trigrams, which consists of solid and broken lines, with a mirror in the center. It was devised by the Chinese King Wen, around three thousand years back. Ba-Gua describes the different changes taking place in the universe. When examined, it resembles an eight point compass, with a particular trigram linked with each direction.

The solid lines on the Pa Kua denote Yang, while the broken lines symbolize Yin. The trigram with two or more broken lines is considered Yin and the one with two or more solid lines is considered Yang. The Yin trigrams are linked with receptive energy and stillness. The Yan trigrams are related with expansive energy and action. The basic principle behind trigrams is the Chinese assumption that if they knew how things changed with time, they could predict future. This forms the foundation of I-Ching, the Book of Divination.

Bagua brings luck and prosperity along with positive energy. It is octagonal in shape and is placed on the main door of the house. The map/chart is usually encased in a wooden frame and is about four to six inches in measurement. Bagua is usually placed on the outside, at the entry points of negative energy, to ward off any bad luck. Thus, you should be careful while buying a bagua for your home. Also, the placement of the same is equally important. Buy only good quality Pa Kua to maximize the result.

Bagua has following benefits:
  • It prevents your house from bad luck, especially in the cases where your house is situated in front of cemeteries, hospitals and funeral homes.
  • Place the bagua on top of your main entrance to keep the evil spirits and harmful people at bay.
  • Bagua even disrupts any evil element that might have come to your house

Feng Shui Mirror

Mirrors are such amusing pieces of glass, without which we would not have been able to have a look at ourselves. But apart from serving as reflection mediums, they are capable of much more. Due to this reason, they are used for cures in Feng Shui. There are a number of ways in which you can solve your problems by using a mirror. Feng Shui teaches you how to apply mirrors to your décor, in order to solve your problems. To ensure this you just need to follow the Feng Shui placement tips given below.

Mirrors are commonly used for the purpose of expansion. It means that they can create the illusion of space by reflecting it back. This way they make a small space appear big. According to Feng Shui, mirrors are a good way of discarding anything negative. If there is something in your environment which is producing negative effect, just place a Feng Shui mirror in front of it. This will reflect back the negative energy produced by it and will nullify it. Thus, a Feng Shui mirror neutralizes the effect of a disharmonizing element.

The other advantage with mirrors is that if you are unable to place a particular object at a specific place, you can virtually place it there by reflecting it in the mirror. With the help of the mirrors you can bring some elements, placed outside your house, inside it. For example, plants and trees can be made a part of your house by reflecting them through mirrors. However, not every object should be reflected. There are some essential things that are to be taken care of, while using mirrors.

  • Beds should not be reflected in a mirror, as they bring third party influence in a marriage.
  • Stairways should never be reflected in the mirror, as they interfere with the positive Chi.
  • Work desks should not be reflected, as it magnifies the workload.
  • Auspicious objects and good fortune symbols should be reflected.
  • Natural water bodies, such as rivers, streams, lakes and oceans, should be reflected, as they bring prosperity and good fortune.
  • Put mirror at the end of the hallway to avoid "dead end".

Feng Shui Dragon

Dragon is considered one of the most powerful and valued symbols in Feng Shui. Chi, the energy, is referred as the 'Cosmic Breath' of the dragon. Infact, dragon symbolizes power, goodness and the spirit of change and transformation. It inspires and uplifts the personal spirit of growth and challenge of an individual. It is also considered the symbol of success and prosperity. It is used to enhance the element of metal anywhere in your space. Feng Shui dragons are recommended to be placed in the East or Southeast corner of your surroundings.

They are the traditional Chinese objects and help to add equilibrium and harmony to the environment. In China, the dragon symbol is visible everywhere, as it is a vital part of the Chinese culture and landscape. Ancient Chinese tales tell that dragon has the power to control the climatic and natural aspects like wind, rain or clouds. Therefore, they are very beneficial for the ones having agriculture related businesses. Dragons symbolize the masculine energy, "Yang" and are a source of activity and creativity.

The effect of using dragon depends on the location, where it is placed. It should never be placed in bedroom or any place meant for rest and relaxation as it boosts activity. Dragons correspond to number nine. According to the Chinese, number nine is associated with good luck. Protection, fertility and immortality are also some of the other things emphasized by the dragon in Feng Shui. Thus, the placement of the dragon should always be done keeping in mind its above attributes.

Feng Shui Candles

Candles are the most beautiful way of illumination. Besides, they also add beauty and brilliance to the surroundings. Feng Shui has given special importance to candles in the decoration of a place. While selecting candles for your house, you need to keep in mind certain features like color and shape. As per Feng Shui guidelines, the color of the candle represents its elements and the effects it may bring in your life.

Besides this, the place you have allocated to the candle in your surroundings matters a lot. One must refer to the Bagua Map in the placement of candles, to improve the positive energy in any living or working place. For instance, placing the candle in North is good for career and livelihood, while in the North-east, it is helpful for knowledge and understanding. In the East, a candle signifies matters related to family and health. Money and prosperity are the main considerations if you place the candle in the South-east.

In case you are placing a candle in the South, it represents fame and success. In the South-west, it stands for love and relationships, whereas if you keep it in the Western part of the house, you would be gifted with creativity. To develop friendship, you should place the candle in the North-west, but for balance and peace, keep it in the centre. Refer the following table to choose the color of the candles as well as their direction, which will be suitable for you to prosper in the Feng Shui way.

North-EastWaterKnowledgeBlue/GreenMorning Rain
South-WestFireRelationshipsPink/ YellowPotpourri
WestMetalCreativityCreamyYlang Ylang
North-WestMetalHelpfulGrey/ WhiteTropical Storm
CenterEarthPeaceYellow/Brown/ OrangeSandalwood /Lemongrass

Feng Shui Turtle

There are four Celestial Animals or Guardians in Feng Shui namely, the Green Dragon (East), the Red Phoenix (South), the White Tiger (West) and the Black Turtle (North). These animals are considered sacred and have been in existence since the inception and beginning of Feng Shui and its different schools. The basic utility of Feng Shui turtle is that it acts a protection and energy enhancer, when placed at the back of the house. You can place a turtle in your home, your office and your garden, but they are certain guidelines to be followed while using it, to ensure it affects you positively.
  • Place the metal turtle in black, towards the North direction, where it will support you in career and business projects.
  • To provide strength and stability to Ba-gua, the energy map, place a stone turtle close to the West-facing main door. This will bring energy and protection to the main door.
  • Calculate the Kua number, the birth element and the current Feng Shui energies for the year, to determine the best direction for the turtle in your home.
  • Exercise caution while identifying the turtle, as there are a number of similar items available in the market.
Feng Shui turtles are quite different from the range of other turtles that are available in the market. There are turtles made up of varied materials, with auspicious symbols on their back. Apart from this, there are turtles which contain Feng Shui coins to attract more wealth and health. Thus, do not be confused. Clearly identify the problem and the purpose for which you want to buy the turtle. Buy it on the advice of a good Feng Shui practitioner and from a trusted shop, to ensure best results.

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